Thank You!

Thank You to the voters of Jackson County
for Re-Electing me as your Commissioner.

It is hard to believe it has been over 3 years since becoming one of your Jackson County Commissioners. Even with my background as a business owner, my law degree and accounting background it has been a huge learning curve and has challenged me in many ways. I want you to know that I have enjoyed every minute of it and I’m as energized today just as much as when I was running for office in 2014. It will be an honor to continue to deal with complex issues and create common sense solutions. Now is the time to rally together again with renewed purpose all the way to the November election!

I am truly honored and humbled by the tremendous support I received in the past three years from everyone. I continue to hear your message loud and clear and with your continued support we can give that message a strong voice in county governance beyond 2018.

-Rick Dyer

For over forty years Southern Oregon and Jackson County have been my home. I was educated here, raised my family here, and started a business here.

My wife, son and I enjoy all of the attributes and qualities that make our region truly special. This is a perfect time for me to take all that the community has done for me and continue to give back as your Jackson County Commissioner. Like so many of you, my roots are deep and my passion is preserving our exceptional quality of life.

My background includes 25 years running and owning local businesses. My educational background is in law, business administration and accounting. With this background I have maintained my commitment to fiscally sound and constitutionally responsible decision making to the County Commissioner position. We will face many tough issues in the near future that will require experienced leadership.

Too many times we get divided, yet our goals are fundamentally the same.

  • We want the ability to make a good living and take care of our families.
  • We want to help our seniors, children, and families when they need us the most through our public health system.
  • We want leaders that are focused on and attentive to our public safety as crime and drugs are on the rise in our county.

We can coordinate better and we can cooperate more. Local government can be much more effective with leadership that is united and passionate about our homes, our people, our neighborhoods, our Jackson County. Rick is very proud of helping bring together Medford School District executives, labor unions and key stake holders in creating a pre-apprenticeship program for kids.

Commissioner Rick Dyer is working hard for the Citizens of our County

For the 2018 calendar year, Commissioner Dyer is the Board liaison to the following County departments and/or committees:

  • Airport (Airport Advisory Committee)
  • Economic Development Advisory Committee (EDAC)
  • Health and Human Services (Animal Control Advisory Committee, Local Alcoholism and Drug Planning Committee, Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities Advisory Committee, Public Health Advisory Committee, Veterans' Advisory Committee, and Wolf Advisory Committee)
  • Surveyor

Commissioner Dyer also serves as the Board liaison to the following:

  • Central Point City CouncilFederal Energy Regulatory Commission
  • Governor's Regional Solutions Team (RST)
  • Housing Authority of Jackson County (HAJC)
  • Jackson County Vector Control
  • Jacksonville City Council
  • Natural Resource Conservation Service
  • National Association of Counties (NACo)
  • Community Economic Workforce Development Steering Committee
  • NOAA Fisheries Services
  • Rogue Workforce Partnership (Job Council)
  • Southern Oregon Regional Economic Development Inc. (SOREDI)
  • U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.